2018 Winner:
This project rewards people who landscape with water in mind, to keep polluted runoff out of our local waterways.
2018 marked year one for The Soak it Up! Project Award. Collaborating with local partners, we highlighted four finalists and awarded one with a gift of native landscaping material. These homeowners, businesses, and community organizations completed projects on their own properties, to become part of the solution. Runoff is the number one source of water pollution in our area, and they have done something about it.

In 2018, Misty’s Dance Unlimited was named the first Soak it Up! Project Award recipient. The business’s 16,000 square foot Onalaska International Performing Arts Center, dedicated in 2018, serves more than 800 dancers each week. Through careful design on the property, no stormwater runoff leaves the property. All rain and snowmelt that fall on the roof and parking lot flow directly to three rain gardens, where water soaks into the ground and filters down to restore groundwater. The basins are planted with deep rooted native plants and trees that soak up stormwater and provide natural beauty and habitat for endangered species.
La Crosse Area Waters’ annual Soak it Up! Award honors citizens who have completed a landscaping project that reduces stormwater runoff. Projects improve water management in our communities, the condition of local waterways, and livability of neighborhoods. Nominees lead by example, inspiring other community members to take on projects. Nominate a project for the next SOAK IT UP! award now!
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La Crosse stormwater group seeks nominations for 3rd annual runoff awards.