Municipal Stormwater Management

Read here about some things our local county, cities, towns, and villages do to manage stormwater runoff for everyone!

Municipal Stormwater Management

Our local governments make plans and systematic investments to manage stormwater. It’s required. It’s important. And it requires persistent effort to maintain hundreds of miles of ditches and pipes, clean up thousands of tons of debris from street, and ensure all new construction minimizes runoff.

Green Infrastructure

Local governments are making strategic, green-infrastructure investments to manage stormwater. Green infrastructure provides cleaner air and water as well as significant value for the community with flood protection, diverse habitat, and beautiful green spaces.

public parking lot
Water-friendly landscape at Municipal Buildings 
map thunderbird hills
Neighborhood Project Implementation 
rock garden at house
Stormwater Utility Credits for Property Owners 
BMPs at Municipal Owned Properties 
BMPs at Municipal Owned Properties 
Permitting requirements 
Permitting Requirements 
Retention Basins in Municipal Parks
Retention Basins in Municipal Parks

Maintenance and Pollution Prevention

Optimal stormwater management takes the use of both existing gray infrastructure and green infrastructure. Gray infrastructure is traditional stormwater infrastructure in the built environment such as gutters, drains, pipes, and retention basins.

This infrastructure remains important in order to treat of high volumes of runoff in compact areas and provides a source or pollution prevention as long as it is properly maintained.

Storm Drain Cleaning & Repairs
Storm Drain Cleaning & Repairs
street sweeper
Street Sweeping
ditch restoration
Ditch Restoration
Stormwater Treatment Areas
Stormwater Treatment Areas
Smart Salting
Smart Salting
sewer drain
Illicit Spills and Discharges

Our local governments make plans and systematic investments to manage stormwater. It’s important. It requires persistent effort to develop and manage best practices, maintain hundreds of miles of ditches and pipes, clean up thousands of tons of debris and sediment, and ensure permitting requirements are in place and being implemented.

Learn more about how local municipalities are managing stormwater.