Each year, we award those in our community who have used nature-based approaches to reduce runoff pollution on their property.

Nominate a Property

Any project that has altered the landscape to direct, capture, or absorb stormwater runoff can be nominated.

Property owners who have implemented BMPs (Best Management Practices) including rain gardens, infiltration trenches, permeable pavement, rain barrels, native plantings, berms, or swales make a great nominee.

Past SOAK IT UP! Award Winners

2024 | Clearwater Farm

Berms, Swales, and the power of native plants

2023 | 360 real estate, The Hub on 6th

Bio-filtration basins, native prairies, snow collection area & more

2022 | CRDN of Western Wisconsin

proper grading, downspout placement & Infiltration basins

2021 | Community Food Forest at the Y

berms, swales, & native plants

2020 | Kurt & Renee Knutson

rain gardens, berms, swales, native plants & dry creek beds

2020 | First Congregational Church

rain garden & native plants

2019 | Roush Rentals, Waterview Apartments

infiltration basins, native plants, downspout placement, berms, & swales

2018 | Misty’s Dance Unlimited

proper grading, infiltration basins, & native plants

If you, or someone you know, has completed a project that captures polluted runoff before it gets to local waterways,
connect with us